§ 2023.11.27-- 4th International Symposium on the Control of Aquatic Animal Diseases
2023年11月27日(周一)於成大圖書館B1國際會議廳舉辦一場國際研討會【第4屆-水生疫病防疫國際觀 4th International Symposium on the Control of Aquatic Animal Diseases】
對此議題有興趣的大學部同學,可以選修微學分(0.5學分)以現場與會方式共同參與。預計是從當日早上9:00~16:30,共計有來自7個國家共12位講者,由於同時會提供兩次coffee break 以及中餐,請有意願參加的同學盡早完成線上報名 (https://reurl.cc/WvE4vD),不接受現場報名,謝謝。
[4th CAAD Announcement] - The registration for the symposium is FREE!
The registration for the 4th CAAD has now begun! Simply use your fingers to fill out this Google form:
For on-site participants: https://reurl.cc/WvE4vD
Please note that only 50 on-site participants will be accepted. If your registration is accepted for on-site participation, you will receive a confirmation letter from CAAD organizers.
On behalf of The International Center for Scientific Development of Shrimp Aquaculture at NCKU, Taiwan, I am pleased to announce our upcoming 4th International Symposium on "The Control of Aquatic Animal Diseases," scheduled for November 27, 2023. We are organizing this as a hybrid event to welcome more participants interested in this field.
The symposium aims to provide an excellent opportunity for interaction and knowledge sharing with international experts on the latest trends and developments in controlling aquatic diseases. We hope it will be an exciting and memorable scientific symposium for all participants.
All participants are kindly requested to complete this Google form (For on-site participants: https://reurl.cc/WvE4vD) and submit it to us. Once symposium registration closes, we will send a confirmation letter to each participant.
We look forward to your participation and encourage you to contact us for further information.
Note: Registration will be closed once the number of participants reaches the upper limit.