本系大學部EMI專業必修課程優秀獎學金申請開始囉! 歡迎符合以下資格的學生申請。
The application for the EMI Major Required Course Excellence Scholarship for undergraduate students is now open! We invite students who meet the following criteria to apply.
獎學金名額及金額Scholarship Slots and Amount:
獎學金之給予對象限本系大學部在校學生,每學期6 名(擇優錄取),每名新台幣2,500 元。申請者需檢附前學期成績單,凡大一下學期起始得申請。
The scholarship is available to undergraduate students within the department, with six recipients selected each semester based on merit. Each recipient will receive NT$2,500. Applicants must submit their transcript from the previous semester and may apply starting from the second semester of their freshman year.
申請資格Eligibility for Application:
1.前學期本系大一及大二EMI 專業必修課程每科成績八十分以上、操行八十分以上。
A minimum score of 80 out of 100 in each EMI major required courses and conduct grade in the previous semester.
No demerits or higher disciplinary actions.
Must not be receiving public funding, NCKU Academic Excellence Awards, or other internal scholarships or grants. Students who receive duplicate awards must return the scholarship, which will then be awarded to the next eligible applicant in sequence.
註: 本獎學金會等書卷獎公布後,確認無重複後核發。
Note: The scholarship will be distributed after the announcement of the NCKU Academic Excellence Awards to ensure there are no duplications.
應繳資料Required Documents:
1.申請表 Application form 下載Download
2.學期成績單 Academic transcript
申請期限Application Deadline:
Please submit the required documents to the Department Office (6F) by Monday, March 17, 2025, before 17:00. The applications will be reviewed by the Student Affairs Committee and approved by the Departmental Affairs Meeting.
大一及大二EMI 專業必修課程表 The List of EMI major required courses during the First and Second Years
First Year 大一 |
普通生物學(一) |
General Biology (1) |
普通生物學實驗(一) |
Experiment of General Biology (1) |
生技產業概論 |
Overview of Biotech Industry |
普通生物學(二) |
General Biology (2) |
普通生物學實驗(二) |
Experiment of General Biology (2) |
生物科技概論 |
Introduction to Biotechnology |
Second Year 大二 |
生物化學(一) |
Biochemistry (1) |
分子生物學 |
Molecular Biology |
生物技術核心實驗(一) |
The Core Experiments Biotechnology (1) |
生物化學(二) |
Biochemistry (2) |
生物技術核心實驗(二) |
The Core Experiments Biotechnology (2) |
細胞生物學 |
Cell Biology |