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郭瑋君 教授


郭瑋君 教授











學校 系所 國家 學位 起訖年月
普渡大學 植物科學學程 美國 博士 2000.10~2005.08
國立臺灣大學 園藝系 中華民國 碩士 1997.09~1999.07
國立臺灣大學 物理系 中華民國 學士 1993.09~1997.08



服務機關 職稱 起訖年月
國立成功大學 生物科技與產業科學系 系主任 2023.08~迄今
國立成功大學 生物科技與產業科學系 教授 2022.08~迄今
國立成功大學 生物科技與產業科學系 副教授 2017.02~2022.07
國立成功大學 熱帶植物科學研究所 副教授 2016.02~2017.01
國立成功大學 熱帶植物科學研究所 助理教授 2011.02~2016.01
美國Carnegie Institute 博士後研究員 2008.10~2011.01
中央研究院 植物暨微生物學研究所 博士後研究員 2005.10~2008.09



pic Vigorous vegetative growth is the foundation for high-yield reproductive growth. If more sugars can be provided during leaf development, a better leaf growth could contribute to subsequent fruit development. Using gene expression analysis, we discover that SlSWEET1a is highly expressed in young tomato leaves. Using the VIGS strategy and molecular biological analysis methods, we show that SlSWEET1a functions on the cell membranes of phloem parenchyma cells in young leaves. Its expression is increased with sugar unloading activity. When sucrose is released from the phloem into the apoplasm, it will be hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose. At this time, SlSWEET1a assists the rapid import of glucose into parenchyma cells to maintain the sucrose concentration gradient, so as to promote the continuous sugar unloading to support the growth of young leaves (Ho et al. 2019).
pic The development of reproductive organs, such as flowers, is the determinant of tomato fruit yield. We therefore explored the sugar transport mechanism that unloads sugars to flowers. Our results showed that SlSWEET5b is greatly expressed in mature flowers, especially in the cell membrane of mature pollen and anther phloem. Using the RNAi strategy in transgenic tomato plants, we reveal the key role of SlSWEET5b in pollen maturation. When sucrose is released from SE-CC cells and hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose in anther apoplasm, SlSWEET5b is located on the plasma membrane of parenchyma to promote rapid import of monosaccharides into anther cells.  More importantly, when these monosaccharides are distributed into loculus, the membrane-localized SlSWEET5b transporter is the core import mechanism to import monosaccharides that are required for pollen maturation. A functional mutation in SlSWEET5b will induce male sterility and inhibit fruit production in tomato (Ko et al. 2022).
info Fruit development is the final determinant of tomato yield and quality. Especially, sweetness of a fruit is directly related to sugar accumulation. We found that SlSWEET15 is distinctly expressed in the early stage of fruit development, in particular in vascular tissues of the pericarp and the seed coat. By characterizing CRISPR/Cas9 mutants, we confirmed that SlSWEET15 is the key mechanism for sugar unloading in tomato fruits. When sucrose is allocated to fruit phloem, SlSWEET15 is located on the plasma membrane of phloem SE-CC and neighboring SPC cells to mediate continuous sucrose export and import to support fruit growth. In addition, SlSWEET15 is also located on the membrane of seed coat to facilitate the import of sucrose into the developing seed for its carbon source. Therefore, its absence results in smaller fruits and severe seed abortion. This is the first time to reveal the sugar unloading mechanism in fruit (Ko et al., 2021). In the future, we will further investigate the possibility to enhance SlSWEET15 expression to promote fruit development in commercial cultivars.



項目 獲獎年
成大教學創新:EMI教學組 教學優良獎 2023
第三屆正瀚創新獎基礎理論組首獎指導獎 2022
國科會111年度優秀年輕學者研究計畫 2022
林秋榮教授植物科學創新研究獎 2021
成功大學109學年度教學優良教師 2021
成功大學107學年度通識課程優良教師 2019
科技部108年度吳大猷先生紀念獎計畫 2019
科技部106年度吳大猷先生紀念獎 2017
科技部105年度優秀年輕學者研究計畫 2016
Outstanding Young Scholar Award, Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists, Taiwan 2015
Advise Hsin-Yi Chen to obtain 2014 The Best Plant Science Master Thesis Award, Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists, Taiwan 2014
Advise Hsin-Yi Chen to obtain 2013 Outstanding Poster Award and Poster Popularity Award, Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists, Taiwan 2013
NCKU travel grants, Taiwan 2013

